I had no idea when I started MyNiceTie that it would help so many people. I also had no idea how much I'd enjoy building this company. It is very fulfilling to take a percentage of all our necktie sales and lend them to struggling entrepreneurs in almost every country of the world. Of course, the real thanks goes to YOU, our customers.
When I decided to give to start lending, I knew that would have an impact, but I didn't, however, know how much teaching people how to tie a tie would have an impact. Our videos have now had over 25 million views on YouTube and the majority of our comments are positive and thankful. Occasionally a fan takes the time to share how much our videos really helped them. I've included a recent email I got below. Thanks for sharing Ryan, your thoughts make it all worth it!
Hello, and happy Saint Patricks Day!
For the last maybe 10 years (I'm 31), I have worked in video production here in St. Pete Florida. I graduated from USF with a degree from the Honors College in Biology. Production has slowed down here, unless I want to move to NY or LA. Work has been hard to come by, so I finally decided to work in my field. I miss biology, and plan on going to graduate school. I was freelance in production so needless to say I don't get unemployment.
I've sent out hundreds of applications. My resume is impressive, i'm very personable and well educated. FINALLY I get ONE call back for a job working in a blood lab here in St. Pete. Now, I don't own a suit. I work in production where tattoos are the norm. I have a tie, and by tie, i mean that in the singular sense.
So, for the interview, I pull out my black slacks, shoes and belt (show blacks as we call them), and head to Walmart because I'm broke and need a nice shirt and tie. I had gotten a haircut, and took out my two earrings. Obviously, one needs to look professional. The night before the interview I need to learn how to tie a tie. I was looking for something more individual, I hate the premise of ties and suits, it can make someone lose their individuality. To me, all of them look the same.
So, I find your youtube video. My roommate was laughing at me as I was watching and participating in gym shorts and a t-shirt.
I had my interview, and it went well. I was there for 2 and a half hours. Halfway thru the interview, she stops and asks, "Okay, how ... did you tie your tie like that". She said it looked fantastic.
I'm attaching a picture. I modified the knot a little bit so it wouldn't look so "busy", especially with a striped tie.
I'll find out by Wed if I got the job. Thank you for making my interviewer stop and ask how I tied my tie. I take that as a good sign.