Fall is in full swing here at Mynicetie.com! We’ve been busy designing new ties and publishing new how-to videos, but that doesn’t mean we don’t know how to have fun too! We are ramping up for Halloween and would love to help you figure out your costume - below is a list of our top 10 favorite costumes that feature a neck or bow tie!
Superman - Not just any Superman, but the mid-transformation version where Clark Kent is in the midst of pulling back his office attire and revealing the hidden “S” on his superhero garb. This costume only requires a simple business casual ensemble with tie and a button down shirt. Make sure your Superman shirt is easily visible by keeping the shirt unbuttoned and tie loosened.
Man in the Yellow Hat - This costume is perfect for anyone whose partner or child is dressing up as a curious monkey! We have no idea where you’ll get your yellow hat and yellow suit, but this necktie may work!
James Bond - This one is easy and a great excuse to dress up in your nicest suit. You can use a necktie or a bowtie for this costume and you can opt for the debonair tuxedo wearing version of our favorite spy, or the secret agent black suit. Either way, I’m sure anything here would be perfect!
Harry Potter - Have you always wished you received your letter to Hogwarts? Then you should consider dressing up as Gryffindor’s most famous member! Easy to do with a white shirt, cape, and striped tie in house colors! Don’t forget your round glasses and forehead lightning bolt!
Fred Flintstone - This one is easy! All you need is a saber tooth tiger tunic and a blue necktie!
Bill Nye the Science Guy - This costume is as easy as they come. All you need is a blue lab coat, a white button up, and any bow tie - boom - instant scientist!
Zombie - Of all the costumes, this is my favorite. Just take any business casual garb you no longer like (or fit into), and fray the edges, make it dirty, and splatter on some fake blood. You can use any necktie to finish your “former businessman, now undead” look! Remember to keep it somewhat loose and dangling from the neck!
Vampire - Do you have black pants, and white collared shirt, fangs, and fake blood? All you’re missing is the red tie and swanky cape and you’ve got yourself a vampire.
Doctor - Similar to the scientist costume above, this one requires a white lab coat and really any necktie.
Mary Poppins - This one is just for the ladies! Complete your look with a black or red bow tie.
Regardless of how you celebrate and what you dress up as, we here at Mynicetie.com hope you do so safely and with a responsible amount of candy. We are celebrating by offering a 10% discount all of our tie for the remainder of the month - just use the code SPOOKY18 at checkout.
Want to show off your necktie inspired ensemble? Send us a photo (Service@mynicetie.com) and you may just win something!