
March 07, 2016

Résumés, Shirts, Shoes, and TIES!

I wanted to take a quick minute today and share a couple things on a topic inseparably connected to neckties—interviewing.

Interviewing is a hot topic. At first, I didn’t know why this topic is getting so much attention—but I looked into what my peers were saying online, and it started to make sense. Our current work culture—from corporations to the freelance market—has transformed interviewing into a new beast that’s far different than it was even five years ago.

Think about the tech movement. Companies are cropping up right and left—and touting incredible corporate cultures that feel more like theme parks than the cubicle game.

Employees are also staying with their current jobs for much shorter periods of time. The millennial generation has been throwing employers through a loop. At the end of the day, if you’re interviewing for a job and want to nail it, how do you make sure you end up on top?

Amidst this kind of cultural corporate overhaul, some things still reign true: you have to dress to impress.

While business casual has clearly dominated the workplace, those who are dressed like they want to succeed—usually do. Nice shoes, a clean, pressed shirt, a nice belt, and a nice tie is always a way to show that you value yourself—and that you value the business you're courting.

So, if you have an interview coming up and you’re fretting over how many oddball questions you’re going to get, don't forget that fashion is something to consider—you have to look your best!

Résumés are always important, but presentation goes far beyond the page.

Anyway—thanks for reading this quick note.

November 18, 2015

Cutting Ties

November is full of traditions that honor the heroes of our country, but did you know that there’s one that actually focuses on ties? Yes, the Navy Tie Cutting Ceremony.


Once an aviator completes their first solo flight, their instructor takes a shiny pair of scissors to their neckwear! Now, if you know anything about the Navy, you may be thinking, “but the Navy doesn’t wear ties!” Ahh, but they did and this tradition stuck.


Back in the day, whenever a sailor would make a mistake, their instructors would tug on their tie as if to say, “straighten up and fly right!” Once the instructor’s job was done, they’d cut their sailor’s ties, signifying that they no longer needed this type of correction.


For decades, this has been a fun Navy tradition, a rite of passage and uniting activity for every squadron! It’s a great reminder of how ties are a rich part of american culture.


If you need a tie for the cutting, use promo code TIECUTTING for 20% any order through November.  

June 24, 2015

Small Business Big Marketing Interviews MyNiceTie's Founder Ben Buie

As our how to tie a tie YouTube channel continues to grow, MyNiceTie is starting to catch the eye of the media all over the world. Tim Reid, the host of the biggest marketing podcast in Australia, reached out about an interview on our YouTube success.

Listen to the interview here:

In the pre-interview, Tim was surprised to find that MyNiceTie wasn't bringing in millions of dollars. He thought because of our millions of views on YouTube we'd be rolling in the dough and sitting on a beach somewhere. Nothing could be further from the truth. We're still just a small business working hard, focusing passionately on finding the best looking ties online, and changing the world one necktie at a time.

That said, this next year is going to be the biggest yet. We're excited about a 12 month lineup planned for more YouTube videos. In addition to some traditional knots like the Half Windsor and the Four-in-hand Knot, we're going to be doing some fun on-the-street videos and even debut the all new Buie Knot (pronounced boo-e). Stay tuned. We're also going to be adding more designs and types to our inventory including extra long ties and kids ties.

Big thanks to our loyal customers and fans!


March 25, 2014

Our Goals

I had so much fun writing the last blog post, I think I'll write another one. 

Every once in a while people ask me what my goals are for MyNiceTie. My answer is simple, help bring people out of poverty. We do that with our charity, and we also do that by teaching people to tie ties. One of the most common comments on our how to tie a tie videos is how we saved their life by teaching them right before an interview. 

After I share our main goal people always ask what is my goal with the business. This answer is easy, I want to be the Amazon for neckwear and accessories. It is a crazy big goal, but one that is possible and desired. There isn't a place where you can go online and find all kinds of ties. You can find some on Ebay, but you can't really trust the sellers. You can find some on Amazon, but you can't really know if they're quality. There is no place to find all the major brands and types and styles of ties, from quality to affordable and everything in between. That is our sweet spot. 

We've already begun to reach for this goal, but we have a long way to go. 

Thank you for all the help, and as always, keep looking classy!

March 17, 2014

Helping People In More Ways Than One

I had no idea when I started MyNiceTie that it would help so many people. I also had no idea how much I'd enjoy building this company. It is very fulfilling to take a percentage of all our necktie sales and lend them to struggling entrepreneurs in almost every country of the world. Of course, the real thanks goes to YOU, our customers.

When I decided to give to start lending, I knew that would have an impact, but I didn't, however, know how much teaching people how to tie a tie would have an impact. Our videos have now had over 25 million views on YouTube and the majority of our comments are positive and thankful. Occasionally a fan takes the time to share how much our videos really helped them. I've included a recent email I got below. Thanks for sharing Ryan, your thoughts make it all worth it!


Hello, and happy Saint Patricks Day!

For the last maybe 10 years (I'm 31), I have worked in video production here in St. Pete Florida.  I graduated from USF with a degree from the Honors College in Biology.  Production has slowed down here, unless I want to move to NY or LA.  Work has been hard to come by, so I finally decided to work in my field.  I miss biology, and plan on going to graduate school.  I was freelance in production so needless to say I don't get unemployment.

I've sent out hundreds of applications.  My resume is impressive, i'm very personable and well educated.  FINALLY I get ONE call back for a job working in a blood lab here in St. Pete.  Now, I don't own a suit.  I work in production where tattoos are the norm.  I have a tie, and by tie, i mean that in the singular sense.

So, for the interview, I pull out my black slacks, shoes and belt (show blacks as we call them), and head to Walmart because I'm broke and need a nice shirt and tie.  I had gotten a haircut, and took out my two earrings.  Obviously, one needs to look professional.  The night before the interview I need to learn how to tie a tie.  I was looking for something more individual, I hate the premise of ties and suits, it can make someone lose their individuality.  To me, all of them look the same.

So, I find your youtube video.  My roommate was laughing at me as I was watching and participating in gym shorts and a t-shirt.

I had my interview, and it went well.  I was there for 2 and a half hours. Halfway thru the interview, she stops and asks, "Okay, how ... did you tie your tie like that".  She said it looked fantastic.

I'm attaching a picture.  I modified the knot a little bit so it wouldn't look so "busy", especially with a striped tie.

I'll find out by Wed if I got the job.  Thank you for making my interviewer stop and ask how I tied my tie.  I take that as a good sign.

